Sunday, February 24, 2013

A Time For Madness

A Time For Madness 

Once more,
Love is pouring down my ceiling
and my walls.

Once more, it is the night of the full moon,
it is time for madness.
All my immense knowledge
cannot help me now.

Insomnia took my patience.
Rain washed away my intellect.
The Lover made me lose my profession.
What good is my work anyway?

Once more,
rise, rise, rise,
Once more,
rise, rise, rise,
Once more,
rise, rise, rise.

Like the way a garden burns
in a hundred shades of orange in the fall,
a Lover’s heart shrivels for a sense of the Beloved’s touch.
Now the face of that charred garden
is my field of flowers.

Look, two hundred Jupiters
are dancing around my moon.

My Love business is booming,
but don’t credit the consultants.
I am done with the consultants
and the pundits,
they call you Jafar the imposter.

Little do they know,
Little do they know,
that you are my Shams
You are my Shams
the Flyer.

Once more,
rise, rise, rise,
rise, rise, rise,
rise, rise, rise.

From Hush Don't Say Anything To God
by Shahram Shiva